Thursday, August 21, 2008

Mary Lou Dickerson is Sick Today, Hates Businesses Every Day

According to the Seattle Times, Mary Lou stayed home sick from work today.

Maybe she's not really sick, maybe she's just trying to figure out how Washington businesses are going to afford to pay for 12 state mandated sick days a year. That's right, she wants to pass a state law that every job will get 12 paid sick days a year in addition to vacation and holidays for every employed person. More than two weeks of sick time.

No, we take it back. She doesn't care about businesses at all.

Just read the myballard blog and look at the endless stream of businesses closing in her district.

Feel better Mary Lou! When she comes back, maybe she'll just try and make having a business illegal in Washington state. Please democrats, don't vote for her!

Send a message to the party that we deserve better!


Anonymous said...

I hate it when spineless polictians like Dickerson proclaim feelgood ideas like this--something that appears to be desirable to the media and the public but is ultimately cowardly because the cost is dumped on a tiny minority of the
population. If Dickerson really believes in 12 paid sick days every year, then have the intergrity and honesty to really own it, to actually raise the money with higher taxes on wages and/or property and/or higher user fees.
I own a small business and here is
what the Dickerson law would mean: the average pay of my staff is $18/hour x 8 hours x 12 days = $1728 per person. Plus about 10% of required employer contributions (FUTA, FICA, etc) = $178.20 + the employer paid retirement fund contribution of 10% = $178.20. Total: $2073.60 per employee x 45 employees = $93,312.00 per year.
That is nearly a million dollars every ten years.
This new tax would hit businesses whether or not they are profitable.
If it passes I'll have to let 2 to 3 people go or simply close down. Where does Dickerson think jobs come from? Will this madness ever end?

Anonymous said...

News Flash! Mary Lou Dickerson is sponsoring a law against anonymous blog comments. According to Dickerson: "We absolutely MUST keep the world -- especially THE CHILDREN -- safe from harmful words. Anonymous bloggers are harmful people who post harmful words and they must be stopped!" Dickerson offered no plans for how her proposed law might work, how much it would cost or how many blogs would be shut down, but she did give an indication of her commitment to the law: "No matter what it costs or who it hurts, harm must be outlawed!"