Sunday, August 17, 2008

Mary Lou Dickerson Sucks, is Cocky

According to this article, Mary Lou put almost no effort into getting elected. 

In fact, in 2004, she painted her office in Olympia instead of campaigning. 

This week, Rep. Helen Sommers was settling back home after a long vacation overseas while her district counterpart, Rep. Mary Lou Dickerson, was painting her Olympia office.

Their laid-back approach in the final stretch underscored how secure the Democrats feel about their District 36 seats in the state House of Representatives. Both veteran lawmakers have won re-election with 80 percent of the vote. Both are in a Democratic stronghold encompassing Phinney Ridge, Ballard, Queen Anne and Belltown. And both face challengers who have not campaigned much and raised little money.
Send a message to the Washington State Democrats that you want a candidate who actually cares about being elected enough to visit their district before an election. I'm sure she painted her office a love shade of whatever color would make her popular. 


Anonymous said...

A nicely painted office is no crime. We hope Dickerson paints her office every week, as it may
reduce her submission of looney fringe bills.

The Ballard Beast said...

Wait until she bans paint! After all, a baby could drown in it!