Friday, September 19, 2008

Mary Lou Dickerson is a Hypocrite - Thinks Kids Shouldn't Be Exposed to

In a shocking show of hypocrisy, Mary Lou Dickerson - Ballard's self-appointed protector of children has decided that while it isn't ok for kids to play video games, it's perfectly fine for them to have a homeless community living right next door to them.

Mary Lou wants to set up tiny homeless parking cities in Ballard where homeless people can live in their cars and have access to bathrooms. Think of the children, Mary Lou!!

I live near a homeless shelter and I an tell you it is no barrel of laughs. The park near my house is now unsuitable for children. Not because of the homeless people that get in the shelter, but because the ones that get turned away stay close to it. That means discarded needles, shattered glass, screaming, fights and prostitution are all within 50 yards of where I live on a regular basis.

Thanks Mary Lou! Good job! Your priorities are dead on.

(That last part was sarcastic)

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Mary Lou Dickerson is Sick Today, Hates Businesses Every Day

According to the Seattle Times, Mary Lou stayed home sick from work today.

Maybe she's not really sick, maybe she's just trying to figure out how Washington businesses are going to afford to pay for 12 state mandated sick days a year. That's right, she wants to pass a state law that every job will get 12 paid sick days a year in addition to vacation and holidays for every employed person. More than two weeks of sick time.

No, we take it back. She doesn't care about businesses at all.

Just read the myballard blog and look at the endless stream of businesses closing in her district.

Feel better Mary Lou! When she comes back, maybe she'll just try and make having a business illegal in Washington state. Please democrats, don't vote for her!

Send a message to the party that we deserve better!

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Mary Lou Dickerson - I can haz video gamez ban?

Mary Lou Dickerson - I can haz video gamez ban?

Mary Lou Dickerson Sucks, is Cocky

According to this article, Mary Lou put almost no effort into getting elected. 

In fact, in 2004, she painted her office in Olympia instead of campaigning. 

This week, Rep. Helen Sommers was settling back home after a long vacation overseas while her district counterpart, Rep. Mary Lou Dickerson, was painting her Olympia office.

Their laid-back approach in the final stretch underscored how secure the Democrats feel about their District 36 seats in the state House of Representatives. Both veteran lawmakers have won re-election with 80 percent of the vote. Both are in a Democratic stronghold encompassing Phinney Ridge, Ballard, Queen Anne and Belltown. And both face challengers who have not campaigned much and raised little money.
Send a message to the Washington State Democrats that you want a candidate who actually cares about being elected enough to visit their district before an election. I'm sure she painted her office a love shade of whatever color would make her popular. 

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Mary Lou Dickerson is a Positively Useless Incumbent Democratic State Legislator

This thoughtful and well-written article points out the number of useless, do nothing politicians there are in Washington State. 

Who is mentioned? Our old friend Mary Lou Donothingerson.

He even suggests voting for the crazy over her. Maybe if enough of us do it, the democrats will put up a candidate that will actually accomplish something useful.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Mary Lou Dickerson is Watching Ballard Die While She Protects Pets From Domestic Violence

As the flavor and character of Ballard disappears, what is Mary Lou "Nero" Dickerson doing as our own lutefisk flavored Rome burns?

She's modifying important and necessary legislation about domestic violence to protect animals from perpetrators of domestic violence. Umm. OK. It's already illegal to hurt animals, right?

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Quote from "State Government Declares War on Toys"

From the Naked Loon

“Kids these days have way, way too much fun,” said Representative Mary Lou Dickerson, one of the bill’s sponsors. “We must put a stop to the out-of-control enjoyment of today’s babies, toddlers, children, and youth,” she explained, “what better way to do that than under the pretext of safety?”

“I’m really proud of what we have been able to achieve with this bill,” said Dickerson. “We face a lot of basically impossible challenges in the legislature, like fighting global warming and balancing the budget, so it’s nice to head home with this win against childhood merriment—I mean unsafe toys.”

(Yes we know they're fake, but we like to think the author just did a good job reading between the lines.)

I thought I recognized her from somewhere!

We've found actual audio of Mary Lou Dickerson defending her poorly written toy bill AND her attack on the first amendment banning certain video games...

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Her stupidest law

Mary Lou Dickerson's stupidest law (read the comments on that link for how the world sees our district) was her attempt to make video game makers liable for violent crimes carried out by the people who played them. Because, as we all know, it only takes a single violent video game to turn a well-adjusted, well-parented child into a heartless killer.

It couldn't be the responsibility of the parent. No way.

Not only that, but she doesn't think video games should be covered by the first amendment. Here's a quote from an NPR story:

MARY LOU DICKERSON: I don't believe that when we're talking about ultra- violent video games where players get points for decapitating people or beating people to death, I don't believe that's covered by the First Amendment.

She was wrong. They most certainly are.

She even passed a law making it a crime to sell a video game with violence against police to a minor. This, of course, would mean that police would be wasting their time running stings against video game sellers instead of protecting them from actual violence on the street.

If Mary Lou had been in office in the 1950s, you can bet she'd be leading the charge against rock and roll music and Elvis Presley's hips.

To this day, she runs a yearly sting to show that businesses will still sell "adult" games to minors without checking ID.